Leading in turbulent times

Debunking the resilience myth: What it really is and how to develop it

On 7 December, join Professor Jennifer Jordan and Executive Coach Francesca Giulia Mereu as they debunk resilience myths, revealing potential risks to psychological well-being. In this webinar, you will acquire a more pragmatic and precise comprehension of resilience, equipping you with the skills essential for effective leadership during challenging periods.

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This 60-minute webinar is focused on building genuine resilience in leaders.

Join IMD Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Jennifer Jordan and IMD Executive Coach Francesca Giulia Mereu as they expose the myths about resilience that are propagated in pop culture and the dangers they pose to true psychological well-being.

This session will help you to gain a more realistic and accurate understanding of resilience and develop the specific skills you need to lead through challenging times.

Date: 7 December

Time: 12:00 (CET)

Debunking the resilience myths

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