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Brain Circuits

Questions every HR executive should be asking about their AI

IbyIMD+Published 30 November 2022 in Brain Circuits • 2 min read

Human resource executives are not computer scientists, so it can be a daunting task to select the correct AI provider for your recruitment processes. Most companies outsource their AI – but it is important to ask the right questions when selecting your provider. Ask yourself these questions to ensure your company is making the best selections for your needs.

Are you auditing your internal AI data?

AI has notoriously sometimes formed its own bias, so it is important to watch what is happening as a result of your AI screening tool. You should monitor KPIs such as diversity and performance of hires over time to ensure your AI is doing what you need it to do.

Are you monitoring your external data?

You also want to make sure that you are not rejecting candidates that could have been a good fit for your organization. An effective way to do this…

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