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Brain Circuits

How does your company match up to global leaders when it comes to digital disruption?

IbyIMD+Published 11 July 2023 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

The Digital Vortex 2023 is the fifth in a series of biennial studies that began in 2015 at IMD’s Global Center for Digital Business Transformation. We surveyed leaders across the board to determine their views on digital transformation and how they are handling disruption. The Vortex gives a view of which sectors are most likely to be disrupted by digital technologies next.

For today’s exercise, test yourself to see where your understanding of the digital landscape is and how it stands up to our research. Ask yourself the following questions and see how your answers compare to our findings:

  1. As a member of the C-suite, are you concerned about potential digital disruption to your industry?





Yes: If you answered yes, you are in good company: 82% of our global respondents reported their C-suites are concerned about future…

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