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strategic thinking

Brain Circuits

Flexibility: Ready to switch mental models? 

IbyIMD+ Published 27 February 2024 in Brain Circuits • 4 min read

Can you move from making snap judgments to considering available evidence deliberately? How agile is your thinking? Play this two-minute game to find out.

Click here to play the Color Code game.

Focus on the color, not the word, to get the answer right.

Did you crack the Color Code? This game measures a key leadership skill for today’s rapidly changing environment – cognitive flexibility. Cognitive flexibility is the ability to switch one’s attention between different processing modes.

Our two processing modes were described by Daniel Kahneman (2011) as System 1 and System 2. System 1 specializes in automatic or unconscious thinking, where your brain interprets and makes judgments with little cognitive effort. By contrast, System 2 is effortful, controlled, and slower.

Leaders must be able to quickly perceive and respond to dynamic conditions using both System 1 and System 2, as required. Cognitive flexibility counteracts potential biases in decision-making that can result from letting System 1’s unconscious thinking go. t helps leaders to be able to switch between the varying demands as they move between checking a board presentation for accuracy to shaping a five-year strategy. Cognitive flexibility predicts leader…

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