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Brain Circuits

Are you harnessing the pandemic recovery energy? 3 questions to ask

IbyIMD+ Published 23 March 2021 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

Just like every other phase in the crisis, the recovery burst comes with its own challenges and opportunities for leaders and must be managed correctly, in order to strike a balance between being too hot or too cold. Failing to do so could cause the lid to blow off the pressure cooker.

If you take action now you can turn your and your team’s exhaustion into energy and stay ahead of the curve, ready for when the world welcomes even more normality and others are naturally met with massive energy bursts.

Here are three questions to ask yourself:

1. Are you avoiding tough challenges, using the pandemic as a scapegoat?

Revisiting the well-known distinction between what is urgent and what is important that if often used in a crisis situation will, at this stage, encourage you to confront what might be…

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