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Management Cast

What does AI mean for management? With Professor Amit Joshi

26 May 2022 in Management Cast

Amit Joshi discusses the origins of Artificial Intelligence and why AI is important for businesses outside the tech sector...

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Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can be a divisive topic. For some, it simply represents the next stage of the digital age; the golden technological era of tomorrow. Others worry about a very different future and the potential destruction of the entire human race.

But which of these visions is likely to win out? And for that matter, what is AI really? How is it distinct from machine-learning, big data, and the other tech terms?

Amit Joshi, Professor of AI, Analytics, and Marketing Strategy at IMD, is asked these questions daily. As an award-winning professor and researcher, he has extensive experience of analytics-driven transformations in industries such as banking, fintech, retail, automotive, telecoms, and pharma.

In this episode of ManagementCast, Joshi discusses the origins of AI and why this is important for businesses outside the tech sector today.

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