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Capital Conversations

Challenging dogmatic narratives in VC, with Fergal Mullen – Part 2

20 February 2024 • by Raphaël Grieco, Karl Schmedders in Capital Conversations

Fergal Mullen's challenges entrenched dogmas in venture capital, urging a more thoughtful and individualized approach...

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In the second part of Fergal Mullen’s interview, the co-founder and Partner of Highland Europe provides a pragmatic take on venture capital practices, addressing key industry dogmas.

Mullen questions the bias against first-time entrepreneurs and talks about the importance of getting feedback from founders. He delves into the significance of geographical proximity, critiques the “Unicorn or Bust” mentality, and offers a practical approach to board meetings.

In closing, he emphasizes the importance of aligning fund size with strategy, considering diverse market sizes, and recognizing the potential in hardware investments.


Through our research, thought leadership, and annual program, IMD’s Venture Asset Management Initiative aims to demystify venture asset management in Switzerland and across Europe.

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