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ACE Founders Series, with Ian Charles Stewart & Schuyler Weiss

16 February 2023 in Podcasts

The CEO of Alpian discusses the near future of money management, with IMD's Executive in Residence...

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As the FinTech arena moves beyond smoothing back-office processes and facilitating relationships between existing players we are seeing a new generation of B2C players rise to take on the incumbent institutions.  

With the rise of challenger banks, we also see hybrid organizations seeking to use new technologies and the resulting processes and public awareness thereof to slice up markets a little differently. Alpian is one such nascent institution, with both new aspects and old backers, seeking to bridge the gap between high street/ retail banks and service-based private wealth managers.  

IMD MBA 2017 alumnus Schuyler Weiss is a dual U.S.-Swiss citizen and he has been CEO of Alpian for the past three years. In a conversation with IMD Executive in Residence Ian Charles Stewart, he discusses the near future of how you manage your money.

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