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Brain Circuits

Managing mixed emotions coming back to the office: stamping out egoism

IbyIMD+ Published 14 May 2021 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

As things get back to normal, we will see at least some work travel and some converging in offices once again.

It will give rise to a great deal of positive emotions, as teams enjoy social contact once more. But it will also see the surfacing of tensions.

These can be broken down into coming out of isolation, impulse control on the part of leaders and the vaccination haves and have nots.

The vaccination haves and have nots

Some will get the vaccine fast, while other will have to wait (if indeed they want to have it), and that is going to lead to a tension based on egoism versus being considerate and fair to others.

It’s a tension that is in fact widespread right now. But there is no place for egoism in the pandemic recovery, whether we are talking about lower-level employee dynamics or the boardroom.

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