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Flexible working - home working - worker bees


Home alone or office drone? How to get the balance right

IbyIMD+ Published 30 April 2021 in Technology • 7 min read

Working from home rapidly became the norm for many during the pandemic. And with employee feedback mirroring existing research on the wellbeing and productivity benefits, companies increasingly have to think about crafting a flexible working strategy.

But what do companies have to consider to ensure their strategy is a success? Two experts provide insights on productivity and wellbeing as part of a flexible working strategy.

Flexibility is fine, but it’s not a case of one-size-fits-all

Glenn Dutcher – Assistant Professor of Economics, Ohio University

Any flexible working strategy is going to have trade-offs. The key thing to consider is the current environment and the tasks a company is asking its employees to perform. Aligning a flexible working strategy against the different categories of tasks will allow companies to build a more effective working arrangement. Here are the key points to consider:

Is home working appropriate for the nature of the task in hand?

Is the task mundane or creative? And is it being performed alone or in a team? Previous research that looked at the effect of the environment on individual performance suggests people perform mundane tasks better within a cubicled office environment. On the other hand, remote workers are around 25 % more productive when it comes to creative tasks.

This makes intuitive sense. If a task is mundane, you need some structure, whereas it…

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