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Talent’s new lexicon: Agility, adaptability, and ambidexterity

IbyIMD+ Published 13 September 2024 in Talent • 10 min read • Audio availableAudio available

Long-trusted ways of developing leadership talent are outmoded. Is it time for a radical rethink?

While a lot of attention has focused on the rapid shifts in job skills required to keep pace with change for performance in organizations, the same trends are being observed in executive leadership roles. According to Accenture’s 2024 Pace of Change survey, business leaders reported a 33% change in their job demands in the past year alone and anticipate an even faster rate of change in their sectors in the year ahead. PwC’s Global CEO Survey found that almost half of CEOs of global businesses are concerned that their companies will need significant reinvention in the next 10 years just to remain viable. The same survey reports that technology is perceived as the biggest driver of change, with 70% expecting generative AI to enable major changes in how their company creates value in the next three years. Driven by these and other factors, more than 75% of CEOs said their role had evolved significantly, with 94% emphasizing the increasing speed of change, according to…

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