“I’m a big believer in second careers, so I started taking courses in my spare time to understand other industries and to see what I wanted to do. It was at IMD that the idea of a change of career was cemented. I was introduced to impact investing, and the idea of being able to invest with social or environmental purpose and get a good return was very appealing,” he said.
While in the past there was a negative trade-off for investors who chose to place capital in social-environmental innovation, that is no longer the case. Armed with this information, Edwards was ready to take advantage of the business space in his home country, when he returned there during the worst of the 2020 COVID pandemic.
Scouting for new pastures
Calgary, Alberta’s local economy has long been tied to the oil and gas industry. However, increasing recognition of the challenge posed by the climate crisis, coupled with a growing awareness around supply chain issues during the pandemic has led to a directed effort to diversify the economy. The timing was perfect for Edwards, who saw the potential for coupling his business experience and his passion for impact investing in his home territory.
As a result, Tall Grass Ventures was created, with his business associate Wilson Acton, as a seed fund for innovative AgTech startups in the region. With 50,350,183 acres of farmland, and 40% of Canada’s cattle raised there, the market is considerable. For Edwards, the primary purpose was to encourage and support food production and agriculture in the region.
Tall Grass Ventures funds promising young AgTech startups: specifically those engaged in new-generation crop inputs, Technology 2.0, and protein production. From deploying AI and machine learning to give farmers an early warning of behavioral changes in their livestock that might signal illness or pregnancy, to using industrial hemp oil to produce an epoxy plastic that can be used to make turbine blades or snowboards, the creativity, and dynamism of the local business space has Edwards hooked.