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Winter’s tales to thrill and chill you


Winter’s tales to thrill and chill you

IbyIMD+Published 19 December 2022 in Magazine • 5 min read

From how to make the most of your time on earth to an insider’s encounter with Steve Jobs, IMD professors recommend a wide selection of books to while away the dark evenings

The Ministry for the Future 

Kim Stanley Robinson 

As we are living in highly uncertain times, often unsure whether we, as a human species, have what it takes to address climate change with all its dire consequences, Robinson’s novel presents a hopeful account of the future based on different pathways we must take for social and environmental change. It is not always an easy read, but it is one that leaves the reader with a much clearer understanding of the systemic changes needed to tackle the most pressing challenge of our time.  

Julia Binder, Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Business Transformation 


4,000 Weeks 

Oliver Burkemann

In his most recent book, Oliver Burkemann provides a refreshing and counterintuitive message about how to think about our limited time on earth of somewhere around 4,000 weeks (for most of us). Highly recommended to anyone who has grown tired of traditional time management techniques.  

Albrecht Enders, Professor of Strategy and…

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