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Supply chain mind map: try our tool to help make critical decisions

IbyIMD+ Published 7 March 2022 in Magazine • 2 min read

Are you overwhelmed by supply chain problems? Martijn Lofvers and Carlos Cordon have created a detailed visual guide will help you manage your way out of a crisis.

Supply chains are being disrupted around the world by pandemic and conflict, meaning that executives are ever more pressed to make crucial decisions. The interactive map below will help you consider the possibilities by focusing on four key areas:

  1. Market trends

  2. Impact on companies

  3. Supply chain challenges

  4. Supply chain improvements

Use each branch as a tool to weigh your options. Click on important subjects on the interactive teaching tool – from bullwhip effect to manufacturing to sustainability – to gain insights that will help to frame the choices before you.

Supply Chain interactive tool mind map


Martijn Lofvers

Founder and Chief Trendwatcher at Supply Chain Media

Martijn Lofvers is CEO and Chief Trendwatcher at Supply Chain Media, which he founded in 2010. In addition to developing a concept to link company strategy to supply chain strategy with the use of the mind map, Lofvers facilitates workshops on this subject.

Supply chain

Carlos Cordon

Professor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management

Carlos Cordon is a Professor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management. Professor Cordon’s areas of interest are digital value chains, supply and demand chain management, digital lean, and process management.

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