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From sleep pods to yoga and fitness trackers, the corporate world is investing big in improving employees’ health and welfare


$66 billion burnout buster

IbyIMD+ Published 12 July 2021 in Magazine • 10 min read

From sleep pods to yoga and fitness trackers, the corporate world is investing big in improving employees’ health and welfare, writes Anand Narasimhan 

Companies have massively expanded wellbeing programs offered to employees in recent years, and this is likely to gather pace in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Global Wellness Institute projects that the workplace wellness market will be worth $66bn within a year, up from $48bn in 2017. “There’s a lot going on in this space and you’re seeing different organizations come up with lots of different ideas,” says Brooke Finlayson, Chief Learning Officer at food multinational Mondelez.

Wellbeing programs primarily focus on helping employees to look after their health and make them more resilient to workplace stress. There is an obvious business benefit in improved performance and productivity, but also in reduced absenteeism, improved staff retention and lower health insurance costs.

The World Health Organization…

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