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Trust is a must, here are the tools to help you achieve it

IbyIMD+ Published 11 October 2021 in Leadership • 6 min read • Audio availableAudio available

As the office environment changes, many leaders are still suspicious of remote workers, but an innovative new approach can bring about real change.

The pandemic has catapulted companies into a new world of remote and hybrid work where trust plays a crucial part in almost all decision managers and employees make. Building trust has become the new imperative for businesses and organizations.

But, according to the most recent research, almost 40%of managers are skeptical of remote workers, and nearly half of all employees still feel micromanaged. Trust remains a critically scarce resource in the organizational world. The consequences of this can be significant at a financial and human level, impacting employee productivity, engagement and ultimately retention.

How can leaders concretely build a culture of trust at work? To answer this, it’s vital to first understand the real root causes of the lack of trust in traditional organizations. There are two major issues hindering trust:

Firstly, traditional business processes and systems are intrinsically compliance-driven, bureaucratic and prescriptive. Trust is excluded by design. Secondly, leaders still exhibit a bias towards command-and-control behaviors—despite the avalanche of literature suggesting this approach should be consigned to managerial history. Typically, these two components mutually reinforce…

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