
Pierre Ledan

Pierre Ledan is a master’s student in the Strategy and International Management program at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and holds a bachelor’s in economics and statistics from the University of Chicago, USA. Pierre focuses on corporate strategy and venture building.

Latest publications

The countries and sectors with the highest economic profit concentration are not what you might expect 

27 March 2024 • by Camilla Erencin, Simon J. Evenett, Pierre Ledan, Felix Reitz in Crux of Capitalism • 5 min read

An analysis of 21 economies between 2018 and 2022 finds that economic profit concentration is not limited to the ‘Magnificent Seven’ “tech” stocks – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla....


The ‘Magnificent Seven’ (M7): Assessing their contribution to the performance of US publicly listed firms

20 February 2024 • by Camilla Erencin, Simon J. Evenett, Pierre Ledan, Felix Reitz in Crux of Capitalism • 5 min read

Data from the Crux of Capitalism finds that the ‘Magnificent Seven' “tech” stocks – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla – together accounted for 32% of the economic profit of...


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