Case Study

Netcetera (C): Reflections and outlook

2 pages
June 2006
Reference: IMD-3-1672

The C-case in this three-part series provides a short follow-up to the B-case, and should be used in conjunction with it. The case relates the development of Netcetera between spring 2005 and 2006. In particular, it illustrates the co-founders’ learning points and reflections on the restructuring of the company. The case also invites participants to discuss the strategic challenges for the following years and how to facilitate the intended growth of the company.

Growth Management
May 2006
Field Research
© 2006
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This case study is part of a series
  • Netcetera (A): Hiring an external CEO?
  • Netcetera (B): Organizing for sustainable business success
  • Netcetera (C): Reflections and outlook
This case study is part of a series
  • Netcetera (A): Hiring an external CEO?
  • Netcetera (B): Organizing for sustainable business success
  • Netcetera (C): Reflections and outlook
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IMD's faculty and research teams publish articles, case studies, books and reports on a wide range of topics
Netcetera (B): Organizing for sustainable business success
By Ralf W. Seifert and Jana Thiel
Case reference: IMD-3-1671 ©2006
The B-case in this three-part series picks up where the A-case left off. It focuses on the development of Netcetera’s organizational structure betw...
Reference IMD-3-1671
Copyright ©2006
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications