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What do job seekers think of your organization’s political position?

IbyIMD+ Published 1 February 2022 in Strategy • 4 min read

Research has found roughly a third of job seekers will not apply to a firm because of its political views.   

US politics has become a tinderbox of division in recent years. Lines of ardent support or bitter criticism of political parties, leaders and related social issues came into sharp focus, as unprecedented numbers of Americans took to the streets, social media and voting booths to express their views. Corporates in the US are often more active in politics and social issues than their overseas counterparts, and many business leaders were also involved in campaigning for and against political parties and issues. 

This can be a two-edged sword for organizations when it comes to recruitment and attracting talented candidates, according to new research from UNSW Business School. The paper, Organizational political affiliation and job seekers: If I don’t identify with your party, am I still attracted? details the findings of four studies which examine how job seekers…

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