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Impact Story
Driving change and innovation at Hilti
Impact Story

Driving change and innovation at Hilti

As a leading innovator serving the construction and energy industries, Hilti recognizes its ongoing success is rooted in its strong culture, enabling it to continuously bring about strategic change and innovation for over 80 years.

Close to 650 Hilti employees have gone through an IMD program since 1995. The first custom program was launched in 1997 to support the company’s strategy refresh, which focused on the three core aspects of “customer,” “competence,” and “concentration,” and gave Hilti an enormous boost in productivity. IMD currently runs two programs for Hilti: the Outperformer program, which has been going since 2015 and focuses on nurturing high-potential talent from around the world, and the Hilti General Manager Program, a program for new country managers.

The relationship between Hilti and IMD took another step forward in 2023 with the launch of the Hilti IMD MBA Scholars Program. Hilti and the Hilti Family Foundation Liechtenstein have pledged CHF 3m to establish the Hilti MBA Scholars Program fund, with up to CHF 300,000 in scholarship funding made available annually over ten years. The objective is to support 60 Hilti MBA scholars over the period, covering 50% of tuition costs. Successful candidates must have an academic background and/or passion for STEM subjects. They need to convince IMD of their ambition and ability to use their education to pursue a leadership role in STEM.

Edward Przybylowicz, Executive VP / Global Business Unit Head

“I think one of the great things about the IMD MBA is that it’s a pressure cooker of team dynamics, something that I have taken with me and used throughout my time at Hilti.”