The Business of Corporate Learning
Corporate learning functions are now an established part of many of the world’s leading multinational firms. In this book, Shlomo Ben-Hur demonstrates how corporate learning can and should have an integral, strategic, role in a company.
Based on firsthand experience, Ben-Hur provides a practical guide to setting up or restructuring a corporate learning function within a company, covering its seven key activities. He identifies and elucidates the key decision points in this process.
But The Business of Corporate Learning is much more than a ’how-to’ guide. For the first time, this book sheds light on the reasons for success or failure in the strategic deployment of corporate learning. Real-world case studies are used to illustrate the potential pitfalls and demonstrate how – when successfully integrated into the company’s strategic management system – corporate learning is able to deliver tangible business results.
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You can also buy the book on Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Orell Füssli and Routledge.
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EFMD Excellence in Practice Case, May 2024
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