High-impact results for your career

Accelerate your leadership impact.

High-impact results for your career

Accelerate your leadership impact.

What participants say about the program
Julie Perrin-Halot

Director of Quality, Strategic Planning & Internationalization, Associate Dean, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

I see the impact in the way I interact with my team since the program. I am better at delegation and dialogue. More confident in my leadership capacities.

Arne Becker

CEO & Owner, Becker Invest ApS, Denmark

Six months after, my leadership keeps on developing – which means better conflict solving, delegation, and leadership through others.

Ion Bican

Managing Director, CER Cleaning Equipment, Romania

After the course, I discovered much more potential in team members and better approaches to them. I’m able to motivate my team more easily.

Morifumi Higo

Consultant, Nomura Research Institute, Japan

It has transformed my approach to leadership. The quality of participants, speakers, and coaches is extremely high. It has given me all the tools I need to become a better leader.

Roosevelt Ogbonna

Group Managing Director, Access Banking Group, Nigeria

It challenges your belief systems, your previous success, and your vision of life. I recommend it to any leader who dares to take risks.

Gavin Marshall

Consultant, Kinetic Consulting, Switzerland

Beyond work, the program has made me a better and happier person which has, in turn, enabled me to be more effective at work.

Discover High Performance Leadership’s impact

Executives from all over the world join IMD’s High Performance Leadership to amplify their leadership impact – hear some of their stories.

Changing lives – 60 executives at a time

High Performance Leadership has celebrated its 100th program in 2019 with an international alumni event, gathering 175 of its past participants. All alumni have the same message: HPL transformed my life!