Your learning journey

A fast-paced journey of experiential learning, tailored discussions, and powerful networking to accelerate board excellence

Your learning journey

A fast-paced journey of experiential learning, tailored discussions, and powerful networking to accelerate board excellence


You have the opportunity to discuss your specific needs and expectations with the Program Director and list the challenges your board is facing. This will enable you to formulate your learning objectives to ensure that you fully benefit from the program.

Core program

On campus, 3-day program over 4 days

You explore concepts, frameworks, and approaches for assessing board performance and understanding the levers to transform your board through your contribution as a director.

IMD faculty and high-level directors discuss the implications of world-class research and case studies during interactive sessions. Leading board members and chairpeople from global organizations share their insights, and you exchange best practices, experiences, and insights with fellow participants. You apply your learning during experiential exercises.

Key topics include:

  • The four pillars of effective boards
  • Best practices and behaviors of leading boards
  • Best risk practices for boards
  • The board’s role in strategy
  • Board dynamics: psychological safety and constructive dissent
  • Making board processes meaningful
  • Refining the role of the chair
  • Stewardship: delivering long-term social and economic impact
  • Boards in crisis
  • Managing CEO succession
  • Effective board oversight of management

On campus

As participants come from diverse international companies and a broad range of industries, High Performance Boards devotes parallel sessions to specific issues such as: digital ethics for boards, effective board oversight and ESG, de-risking CEO nomination, country risk for board members, and strategic customer insights for board members.


Revisit your objectives for the program, along with program materials and resources provided. Join our global IMD Board Community and continue to network exchange with your peers through face-to-face events at IMD and around the world, as well as online events.

Cases studies & best practices
Peer-to-peer learning
Boardroom guest speakers
IMD Board Director Diploma credits