- IMD Business School
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OWP Day 4: A transformative week to unleash the leader within

AI, leadership, and the endless pursuit of knowledge – Pierre Leroux’s transformative journey at OWP is inspiring ambitious ideas that could transform his organization.
June 2023

Time flies when you’re having fun. It’s been four days since I posted about the start of my OWP journey at IMD, and now that we’re nearly at the end, I can truly say that it has been an intense, yet exhilarating week. OWP has so far been a condensed powerhouse of knowledge, exploring everything from cutting-edge AI to the art of effective leadership. I’m starting to realize that this week is not just about getting answers, but igniting a hunger for more questions! 

In fact, yesterday’s AI sessions were all everyone could talk about over dinner, so here are my two cents – the potential for misuse is concerning, making how we regulate it critical. AI will certainly never replace a human touch, especially once we get better at leveraging it and learn to harness its power.  

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The standout sessions for me were the ones on future readiness with Professors Howard Yu and Mark Greeven. Not only did their sharing of top organizational challenges really resonate with me, it has also inspired many new ideas on what we can do differently. Here are a few thoughts: 

– Reevaluate our service offerings and the way we are structured, potentially undergoing a radical transformation  

– Build more comprehensive platforms to supercharge our customers’ digital-transformation journey 

– Improve knowledge sharing and ensure we tap into the collective wisdom within our organization 

– Leverage that wisdom to continue creating innovative services of tomorrow, using AI 

But to make these transformations happen, we cannot forget about the critical role of leadership. Throughout the course of my career, I’ve always been focused on becoming a better leader, not just a manager. Today’s sessions really hit home, pushing me to reflect on how I can foster trust, manage conflict, and empower my team even more.  

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OWP has been such whirlwind of inspiring and transformative experiences, I cannot believe that we are down to our final day. While it has been a short (but long) week, I know the friends I’ve made and the conversations I’ve had will continue to spark even more ideas on how to push the limit of what’s possible! 

This article is inspired by a LinkedIn post: you can follow me here
