High-impact results for your career

Refresh, refocus and re-energize your leadership.

High-impact results for your career

Refresh, refocus and re-energize your leadership.

Give yourself an edge

When we say “real impact”, we mean it. After attending IMD’s Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives, participants stated:

“I gained fresh knowledge and insights.”
“I have become a more effective executive.”
“I have experienced a significant impact for myself and my organization..”
“I recommend IMD to a peer or a colleague.”

*Survey of 2023 program participants.

What our participants say
 - IMD Business School
João Günther Amara

Chief Development Officer, SONAE, Portugal

This comprehensive program is a deep-dive into your true self. Insightful frameworks from faculty, self-reflection with expert coaches and like-minded peers empower breakthrough changes.

 - IMD Business School
Minke Bijl

Senior Vice President Global Communications & External Affairs, Royal DSM, The Netherlands

The program provided me with profound insights and inspiration. Impressive faculty on topics such as technology disruption, culture, and decision-making, and the coaching in small groups enabled me to use my preferences, needs and strengths in my day-to-day decisions.

 - IMD Business School
Alexander Grunwald

Managing Director, Houlihan Lokey, Switzerland

Learning to sustain a unique culture and growth mindset was critical for me to engage my team and lead my organization through change.

 - IMD Business School
Noor Hassan Shabib

VP of Strategy & Business Development, Saudi Industrial Development Fund, Saudi Arabia

Your personal and professional lives are examined as a whole in the program, as you grow with like-minded, highly accomplished peers on the way to your next breakthrough.

 - IMD Business School
Liam Butterworth

CEO, GKN Automotive, UK

Six months after the program, I led a major reorganization of the division I oversee, dealing head-on with key technological changes in our markets. IMD helped me translate the theme of breakthrough into my business. It was very powerful.

Be inspired by the program’s impact

Participants from cutting-edge companies all over the world join this highest-level management and leadership program to re-energize their ambition – hear some of their stories.