High-impact results for your career

Refocus and accelerate your leadership impact.

High-impact results for your career

Refocus and accelerate your leadership impact.

What participants say about the program
Per Thurezon

Director, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Sweden

HPL and AHPL are programs that every leader would gain from – without exception! AHPL gives you further insights into aspects of leadership that spellbound us during HPL.

Gloria Ortega

Vice President Service Delivery, Millicom International Cellular SA, Luxembourg

AHPL develops true leaders by helping people live their dreams but also builds a community of leaders that speak the same language.

Manne Koerfer

Business Strategy & Offset Director, Safran Vectronix AG, Switzerland

For me, AHPL symbolizes an unrivalled academic lighthouse, providing lifelong guidance on leadership and teaching you how to focus your mind’s eye to fulfill your professional and personal dreams.

Discover Advanced High Performance Leadership’s impact

Many executives from all over the world join IMD’s Advanced High Performance Leadership to strengthen their leadership impact – hear some of their stories.

Changing lives – 60 executives at a time

High Performance Leadership has celebrated its 100th program in 2019 with an international alumni event, gathering 175 of its past participants. All alumni have the same message: HPL transformed my life!