High-impact results for your career

Learn how to create, capture, and deliver value in a digital world.

High-impact results for your career

Learn how to create, capture, and deliver value in a digital world.

What participants say about the program

*Survey of more than 4,000 alumni 6 months after attending an IMD program (2015-2019)

of participants say they have become a more effective leader.*
of participants say they have successfully applied the new learnings to their job.*

The program delivered on its promise to provide a marketing framework for the digital era. I gained a new perspective on things as well as practical tools to improve and help my customers further.

Sven Lemat Group Excellence and Strategy, Bruker BioSpin, Switzerland

I discovered and experimented with fundamental and exciting new marketing concepts which I can now take back and apply to my own context.

Nadege Desa Global Head of Crop Science & Animal Health, S&P Global, Switzerland

Cutting-edge digital marketing insights built on pertinent real cases and delivered by top professors who create a highly interactive and effective learning experience. Now I know how to make our company’s value proposition even more meaningful and attractive!

Paulo Martins Chief Executive Officer, Machrent, Portugal
Executive Certificate in Digital Business Excellence

Build your personalized learning journey, be recognized for your digital expertise and accelerate your career.

Executive Certificate in Digital Business Excellence

Build your personalized learning journey, be recognized for your digital expertise and accelerate your career.