With the joint publication of its Annual and Sustainability Reports, IMD offers an in-depth look into its activities throughout 2020 – a year heavily disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The reports, published as part of its commitment to good governance, provide a detailed overview of IMD’s programs, research and outreach, and an insight into its culture, community and operations as it adapted to the challenges and opportunities of a transformed world.
With a special focus on technology-mediated learning, equity, inclusion and diversity and the role of business in society, the reports use impact stories, infographics and participant testimonials to bring an extraordinary year to life.
The Sustainability Report also gives a thorough update on the progress IMD is making on its five key focus areas for sustainability: responsible leadership development, cutting-edge education, access to education, workforce diversity and inclusion, and mobility and emissions.
“As challenging and imperfect as it was, I will remember 2020 as a year that led all components of IMD to step up and give their best effort,” IMD President Jean-Francois Manzoni writes in his year in review section. “We weren’t perfect, but we sure worked incredibly hard to live up to our common purpose.”
“I look ahead to the future with confidence, determination and ambition,” he said.
The online versions of the IMD Annual Report 2020 can be accessed here, while the IMD Sustainability Report 2020 can be found here.