News Stories · Supply Chain

IMD team wins in EFMD Case Writing Competition

Professors Benoit Leleux, Carlos Cordon, and Beverley Lennox win for case on Adidas Russia
June 2017

EFMD, a not for profit association of business schools known for publishing and awarding cases used all over the world by the most prestigious business schools, has just announced the winners of its annual Case Writing Competition.

In the Supply Chain Management Category, (Sponsored by Kedge Business School) the IMD team of Carlos Cordón, Benoit Leleux and Beverley Lennox won for their case titled “Adidas Russia/CIS and the Russian crisis: Retrench or double down (A) and (B)”.

The case series is based on extensive interviews with key executives at Adidas Russia/CIS in charge of implementing the radical IT, supply chain and omnichannel initiatives that transformed Adidas Russia/CIS from one of the poorest performers to the new standard within the Group. The initiatives included pioneering the rollout and implementation of key new technologies such as click-and-collect, ship-from-store, endless aisle and RFID – all of this in the face of the massive economic crisis that embroiled Russia.

With some 1,200 company-owned stores – the Group’s largest direct retail footprint globally – Adidas Russia/CIS was critical to the financial success of the Group as a whole. The case provides an opportunity to discuss the key challenges in the rollout and implementation of cutting-edge IT, supply chain and omnichannel initiatives in one of the most challenging retail and logistics environments, i.e. Russia during the latest economic crisis.

Find out more about the case: Adidas Russia and the Russian Crisis.

IMD warmly congratulates Carlos, Benoit and Beverly.