- IMD Business School

End of year review 2023

Our purpose at IMD is to challenge what is and inspire what could be, to develop leaders and organizations who contribute to a more prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive world. This purpose has never been more timely, and we look forward to continuing to work with you in this direction in 2024.
December 2023

Not unlike the last few years, 2023 brought its share of challenges and sometimes drama to the world. This may become our new normal, and while this is a time for celebrations, we still have a thought for our alumni, business partners, and all those whose lives have been upended by war or various kinds of crises.

For us at IMD, 2023 was in many ways an excellent year. We established new “all-time highs” on pretty much every dimension – from R&D to program revenues – and we were able to introduce groundbreaking technology-enabled innovations that are enabling us to achieve more impact, more efficiently, and at greater scale.

We very much look forward to continuing to progress on this innovation path in 2024, and to continue supporting your and your organization’s efforts.

Our purpose at IMD is to challenge what is and inspire what could be, to develop leaders and organizations who contribute to a more prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive world. This purpose has never been more timely, and we look forward to continuing to work with you in this direction in 2024.