Nadia Osman - IMD - Backpacker Scholarship - IMD Business School
Alumni News · Leadership

Creating a fairer future one exceptional woman at a time

The BackPack-Excellence Scholarship for Women was launched by the BackPack Foundation in 2022. Since then, the scholarship has enabled two exceptional women, Sorelle Djankou Djeuga and Nadia Osman, to pursue their dream of experiencing a transformational MBA at IMD.

Raising and supporting the profile of women in business is imperative on our journey to a more prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive future. Over the years, IMD has steadily improved gender diversity in its degree programs and this positive evolution has been enhanced notably by our scholarship opportunities.

The BackPack-Excellence Scholarship for Women was established in 2022 to provide a transformational experience to talented women who have experienced personal hardship or been forced to leave their homeland due to conflict or natural disaster, or because they were persecuted for their beliefs. In addition to covering the tuition, the scholarship pays for living expenses and provides ongoing mentorship to scholars.

“I had always wanted to pursue an MBA and the experience has been transformative,” said Sorelle Djankou Djeuga, the first BackPack-Excellence Women Scholarship recipient who completed her MBA in 2023. “I wanted to broaden my career and to give back. The IMD MBA learning journey, paired with the ongoing support of the BackPack Foundation, gave me the skills and confidence to do just that.”

Djankou Djeuga - IMD Business School

Djankou Djeuga, a Cameroonian national with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, said that pursuing an MBA in Europe had always been a dream. “What I went through was tough, and receiving a full scholarship from the BackPack Foundation changed my life. I could finally realize my dream.”

“I have been humbled by the dedication and passion that our first scholars have shown. They have already become wonderful ambassadors and role models, inspiring other women to follow their dreams and become pivotal leaders in their field,” said Hanne de Mora, Founder of the BackPack Foundation. “We look forward to supporting a third scholar in 2025.”

According to Djankou Djeuga, the MBA program equipped her with the skills to become a leader able to transform tomorrow’s organizations and contribute to a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive society. Further, as a scholarship recipient, Djankou Djeuga not only benefitted from financial assistance but also comprehensive support, including advice, resume reviews, job counselling and interview practice.

Djankou Djeuga said that being a ‘Backpacker’ has given her additional motivation to succeed. “My aspirations have expanded tenfold,” she shared. “I feel compelled to give back and inspire others beyond my immediate circle.”

Djankou Djeuga - IMD Business School

Paying it forward

In 2022, when Djankou Djeuga received the news that she had been awarded the scholarship, she was eager to use her experience to help others facing similar challenges and was immediately motivated to share her story with others on LinkedIn. Her post received many positive responses from people who were keen to learn about the opportunity.

She now coaches other MBA applicants in her free time, sharing tips on how to apply for scholarships as well as on interview techniques – something she learned first-hand thanks to the ongoing support from the BackPack Foundation. “I encourage people not to give up, that the door will open for their dreams.”

Paying it forward In 2022, when Djankou Djeuga received the news that she had been awarded the scholarship, she was eager to use her experience to help others facing similar challenges and was immediately motivated to share her story with others on LinkedIn. Her post received many positive responses from people who were keen to learn about the opportunity. She now coaches other MBA applicants in her free time, sharing tips on how to apply for scholarships as well as on interview techniques – something she learned first-hand thanks to the ongoing support from the BackPack Foundation. “I encourage people not to give up, that the door will open for their dreams.” Nadia Osman – who graduated with a degree in architecture in Sudan and who has experience in social tech in her home country – was awarded the second BackPack-Excellence Women Scholarship in 2023 and is currently pursuing her MBA at IMD. She also reached out to Djankou Djeuga for advice. “Sorelle was so helpful,” she said. “She gave me tips for my interview, and it was good to learn about her positive experience at IMD.” - IMD Business School

Nadia Osman – who graduated with a degree in architecture in Sudan and who has experience in social tech in her home country – was awarded the second BackPack-Excellence Women Scholarship in 2023 and is currently pursuing her MBA at IMD. She also reached out to Djankou Djeuga for advice. “Sorelle was so helpful,” she said. “She gave me tips for my interview, and it was good to learn about her positive experience at IMD.”

Unwavering support

After graduating from her MBA in 2023, Djankou Djeuga set her sights on finding a job in France, where her husband now works. During what proved to be a demanding job search, Djankou Djeuga received incredible support from the BackPack Foundation, and she has recently accepted an exciting opportunity.

“The foundation’s unwavering trust in me and their significant investment in my future served as a beacon of encouragement during challenging times,” she said. “Even when I doubted myself, their belief in me remained steadfast, motivating me to persevere. This fueled my determination to never give up, and to take bold risks in pursuing my goals.”

Osman concurs, saying that she too has received endless support and encouragement from the BackPack Foundation and her professors and staff at IMD. “They were there for me from the start, helping me to find my feet, especially during the initial intense weeks,” she recalled. “I felt a sense of community even before I arrived on campus.”

The deadline to apply for the BackPack-Excellence Scholarship for Women is 1 July 2024. Candidates should apply alongside their MBA application by completing the online formand submitting the required documentation. In addition, candidates are asked to provide a 500-word essay on the following title: Tell us how an MBA at IMD will be truly transformative for you and indirectly for other women in your communities, and what are your main learning objectives