IMD business school for management and leadership courses
Looking forward
In the year ahead, we will:
- Commence implementing the new sustainable procurement policy and supplier code of conduct, and continue to work with our suppliers, partners, and clients to ensure sustainable practices throughout our value chain.
- Continue to measure our carbon footprint annually, encompassing Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions.
- Track and communicate progress towards our impact reduction targets as previously done.
- Invest in innovative technology to minimize food waste and reduce waste by enhancing the utilization of reusable materials in our restaurant.
- Install solar panels on our campus buildings’ roofs in Lausanne.
- Continue with the installation of the fully automated lighting system in more campus buildings.
- Continue to report our processes at IMD, ensuring accuracy and transparency and contributing to a more prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive world.
- Extend the district heating system installation in more campus buildings.