IMD business school for management and leadership courses
How we engage our communities
Our people actively seek opportunities to contribute, give back, and support our local communities. In 2023, we supported several initiatives focused on healthcare, humanitarian aid, and children. We participated in Steps for Cancer and collectively took 28,576,426 steps as part of the 20-day fundraising challenge. Steps for Cancer’s mission is to provide support, practical help, well-being activities, and a welcoming community for anyone affected by cancer.
Our employees participated in the Movember movement, which helps raise awareness of men’s health issues during November. We also hosted an annual blood drive donation day, enabling employees to donate blood on campus to support the local blood bank.

Our employees participated in Samedi du Partage’s drive to collect hygiene and food products for the less fortunate. They also participated in Fondation Mère Sofia’s toy drive, collecting and wrapping toys for more than 300 families in need. Further, following the devastating earthquakes that affected Syria and Turkey in early 2023, our community donated clothes, bedding, and care packages for those displaced by the earthquakes.
We also support several initiatives, such as World Ocean Day, Sustainable Gastronomy Day, and World Refugee Day, to spotlight important issues. On World Ocean Day and Sustainable Gastronomy Day, we highlight the efforts made by IMD to reduce waste and supply sustainable food. World Refugee Day provides us with the opportunity to build empathy and understanding of the plight of refugees, with many IMD staff supporting displaced Ukrainians after the Russian invasion.
During Global Goals Week, an annual week of action, awareness, and accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we showed our commitment by distributing and wearing symbolic SDG pins and sharing SDG information. We hosted an internal quiz to raise awareness of this important topic further. Cognizant of how our decisions can impact the environment, we showcased the importance of bees in our ecosystem through an informative workshop for all staff with bees4you.