In 2021, we set a strong foundation for this mission. We introduced new sustainability programs, including the open enrolment Leading Sustainable Business Transformation program and a range of custom-designed programs for corporate clients. With our new partner, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), we are redesigning our MBA program to deeply integrate social and environmental concerns into the curriculum. IMD also collaborated with leading Swiss universities UNIL and EPFL through the Enterprise for Society Center to drive new research and launch a new joint Masters in Sustainable Business & Technology.
We deepened our research through the elea Center for Social Innovation and the Global Family Business Center and by welcoming new faculty and researchers specializing in sustainability-related research. Together with seven other leading European business schools, we established the Business Schools for Climate Leadership partnership which launched a number of activities ahead of and during COP26, including the creation of a business toolkit for climate leadership.
In addition to a strong focus on environmental threats and opportunities, we also increased IMD’s research, teaching and outreach activities in relation to equity, inclusion and diversity (EI&D). In particular, we initiated a research initiative on inclusion, increased gender diversity and EI&D topics in our degree programs, and initiated on-campus initiatives to raise awareness of unconscious biases and build an inclusive culture. IMD is increasingly working on co-creating custom programs for corporations to embed EI&D in strategy and implementation.
We enhanced access to executive education in spite of COVID-related travel restrictions by continuing to invest in technology. We delivered our award-winning programs regardless of ability to travel, while also reducing the related carbon footprint.
We also further strengthened our strict health and safety measures on campus to ensure a COVID-secure environment as we welcomed participants back to campus for face-to-face programs.
A key element of our Sustainability Policy, developed in 2019, is our commitment to the six UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME). This report shares our progress in meeting our sustainability goals and commitment to these principles.
The journey towards sustainability begins with each of us as leaders. We are committed to supporting you and your organizations in leading sustainable business transformation. I hope you will join us in making a bigger difference in 2022.