The Center for Future Readiness focuses on an organization’s capacity to sustain new growth. The center, which was established in 2020 with the backing of a multi-million dollar grant from the LEGO Brand Group, aims to help companies spur innovation and thrive amid uncertainty by quantifying which organizations are most ready for a changing future and exploring other lessons that firms can learn from them.

The Center for Future Readiness:

Conducts original research. Our findings are translated into new pedagogy, fresh case studies, online programs, and diagnostic tools for organizations to carry out their own business transformation.

Promotes dialogue between practitioners trying to navigate an uncertain world. It facilitates knowledge sharing and inspires change. We disseminate thought leadership beyond academia through mainstream media, industry consortia and executive workshops.

Encourages action by shining a light on the companies that are most ready for change within their leadership and strategies through our Future Readiness Indicator.

 - IMD Business School

Your organization’s success depends on how well-prepared it is for disruptions.

Howard Yu LEGO Chair, Professor of Management and Innovation
Our team
 - IMD Business School
Our programs

The Strategy for Future Readiness program is based on insights from a multi-year research project at IMD’s Center for Future Readiness. The center benchmarks leading companies across industries to understand what choices they make, how they work and what exceptional leaders do.

Our Business Growth Strategies program provides tools and insights to help you ensure that your business survives and grows in today’s fast-evolving marketplace.