Our Approach
IMD instills key skills enabling future and current senior executives to become reflective and responsible leaders, transform organizations, and have a positive impact on society.
Our sustainability strategy emphasizes our influence on organizations and leaders through our teaching, research, and outreach. We call this our handprint. At the same time, we continuously strive to monitor our environmental footprint and ensure a sustainable, inclusive campus and workplace to exemplify the behaviors we want to see in the world.
Our strategy is based on an institutional sustainability policy that commits us to the Principles for Responsible Management Education and driving solutions that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After adopting the policy, we worked with an external consultancy to identify 13 material focus areas in 2019 through an inclusive approach using extensive surveys, interviews, and workshops with a wide range of external and internal stakeholders.
These focus areas are illustrated in our sustainability strategy wheel: