Confirmation of our resilient core offering
For IMD, like many other organizations, the picture at the beginning of 2022 was one of uncertainty. So many of our questions were yet to be answered. What would the world of executive education look like after the pandemic? As the economy softened, would companies cut back on their L&D expenditure? Had the adaptations and innovations we introduced into our degree and executive education programs during the pandemic ensured that we remained relevant?
By the end of the year, the efforts of our staff and faculty to introduce widespread innovations into our learning programs at IMD had been rewarded. Our clients responded with their continued commitment, many having collaborated on developing innovative solutions alongside us. So strengthened and invigorated by the resilience of our core offering, our growth continued as we also welcomed many new clients in 2022.

“It’s just been tremendously rewarding to see that, with the changes we’ve made, executives and organizations have remained committed to learning and they have remained committed to IMD.”
David Bach, Dean of Innovation and Programs, Professor of Strategy and Political Economy
We developed new ambitious programs – for instance, a two-week Sprint with a new cohort kicking off every week over six months that will impact over 10,000 people in our client’s organization when all is said and done. You can read more about this exciting project in the Custom Programs section, and how two of our custom programs were recognized with EFMD awards. The strength of our open programs was also confirmed by the Financial Times, which ranked us #2 worldwide, and our MBA maintained the #1 spot in the Bloomberg Businessweek 2022-2023 MBA ranking for European business schools.
Read more about the 2022 highlights of our MBA and EMBA degrees, the Master of Science in Sustainable Management and Technology, and our extensive executive education solutions in this report.
2022 Learning at a glance
participants in total across the world
face-to-face-participants in Lausanne and Singapore
virtual live and online participants
custom programs
open programs